Truth about a girl.

When I don't call you, it's because I'm waiting for you to call me.
When I walk away from you and looking mad, follow me.
When I stare at your face barely blinking my eyes, kiss me.
When I push you or hit you, grab me and don't let go.
When I start cursing at you and saying bad things about you, tell me you love me.
When I'm quiet, ask me what's wrong.
When I pull away from you, pull me back.
When I was at my worst, tell me I'm beautiful.
When I start crying, hold me and tell me everything will be alright.
When you see me walking, sneak up and hug my waist from behind.
When I tease you, tease me back and make me laugh.
When I look at you with doubt, back yourself up and have a little faith in me.
When we fight, believe in us.
When I say that I like you, I really actually like you more than you could understand.
When I grab your hands, hold mine and play with my fingers.
When I bump into you, don't be mad and make me laugh.
When I tell you a secret, keep it safe and untold.
When I share my problems, give solutions and discuss instead of just listening.
When I look into your eyes, don't look away until I do.
When I miss you, I'm hurting inside.
When you break my heart, I may have forgiven you, but the pain never really goes away.
When I said 'don't be too sweet', compliment me even more.
When I said I was okay, I never am.
When I say it's over, I actually still want you to be mine, and never want you to be far.




My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.

Oompa Loompa

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I am lousy in explaining myself in words as I believe articulating something as complicated as personality stringed together in sentences does no justice to the profoundness in me. I may not know much but I know this much is true. I have morbid fascination over people's stories regardless where they came from or what background they grew up in. I indulge in their stories not because I'm nosy but because I find them enriching mine. I wish to be awed by the possibilities and differences I find in people from all over the world and I never hesitate to befriend them if the attraction is likewise. I am a creature of language, emotions, rationality experiences, comprehension, and love. I use words and ideas to change the world, I cling to my emotions and rationality to yield decisions, I base my decisions on experiences, I define skewed things I find through a weak attempt of comprehension and I love almost everyone.