My Patronus.

If you had read Harry Potter's books, you would've been familiar with Patronus Charm. It's a charm cast to get rid of Dementors, creatures that suck the life out of you. Dementors create this miserable feeling around you that makes you feel you're in great despair out of no logical reasons. Earlier, I had been thinking... we all have our Dementors, don't we all? There are things that make you feel very sad out of nowhere and just suck the happiness out of you. So... if you had to cast a Patronus charm to rid of the heavy feelings... what would your happiest memories be? I got into thinking... and voila, I have my list :)

1. Quoting lines from movies. Oh, I love doing this! I don't quote from famous people because I think that's... common. Everyone does that. But the characters in movies... they're people. Real people. Real life story. Oh, I love it.

2. Watching a cartoon movie and laughing uncontrollably. It makes me feel like I'm redeeming all the happy times I've lost or didn't have in my earlier years.

3. A nice cool room to sleep in. The theory is so simple: you can always have more blankets but you can't be more naked if it's too hot to handle.

4. Cuddling. Sitting together. No words spoken. That's life.

5. Holding hands. Unlike other people, I like holding hands when walking. And light chats exchanged along with it. Who wouldn't love it?

6. A high defined conversation. Not TV. Conversation. I like conversing. Especially with my person. Or should I say, people. Talking about nothing, talking about everything. Feeling all the feeling. It's enriching and always, always makes me happy.

7. A cocky person who finally gets what he or she deserves. Urgh, I feel so satisfied whenever I see a cocky person gets humiliated. So wrong, but damn, I hate cocky people very, very much.

8. Writing. I suck. But it makes me happy. Period.

9. Self-degrading jokes. In a twisted way, self-degrading jokes always make me laugh. Apparently, I think that beyond the laughs, it really takes a very big-hearted and optimistic person to laugh at him or herself. But please, self-degrading jokes. Not lack of self-confidence.

10. Dreams. Things that I want to do, things that I want to have, they're addictive. I can think about them all day and feel happy because of them. The yearning is sometimes too intense to bear but it does make me happier.

11. Games! Witty games shared among friends. Lame games that make us all laugh until our face become silly. Games that bring us closer than before.

12. Watching P.S. I Love You. Great story, great music, great guys, great lines, do I need to say more? It's Gerard Butler and Jeffrey Dean Morgan in one freaking movie. I will one day watch this movie with the love of my life. I swear to God.

13. Starbuck's iced green tea latte. The milk... yum.

14. Sitting with someone playing music in the room. Piano. Violin. Guitar. You name it. Watching the person plays beautifully and letting the mind wander... it's really magical. You wouldn't have known if you hadn't tried it.

15. Humming. Not singing. I repeat, not singing. I don't sing. I hum. That's the best I can do. Or if miracle happens, I sing along. Along people, along songs. I don't sing alone. I sing along.

16. The time my old English teacher hugged me and said, "I never thought I'd say this and you will not, ever, hear me saying this again, but I'm really, really proud of you."

17. Fooling my little sister. Once, I wanted her to do something from me so I told her, "You know what, if one day you can be older than me, I'll do things for you. Now, just do this for me." She bought it. And that triumphant feeling... I can't help but to tell the world about it. 

18. Every time my person says something to me that makes me realize that he or she really gets me. He gets me. She gets me. That is the greatest feeling one can have. Total opposite of feeling lonely. Can you imagine that? :)

19. The cool fresh air when you're standing in front of a mountain resort at 6 o'clock in the morning with your eyes closed.

20. The smell of the fresh cut grass below your body when you lie upon a grassland.

21. Talking to a blind man.

22. Beautiful English wordings. In two other words: Jane Austen. See, now she can make anyone wants to learn English.  

23. Watching babies asleep. I do this often, and don't ask me how. I just do, and I love it. The peacefulness is really healing.

24. Horse riding. Oh God. There's no outdoor activity can top this one. Riding a horse across a grass field or even rocky roads... or along the beach line... Ah.

25. The moment when I teach someone about something I presume would be valuable to her survival, and he or she listens intently at me, and I just can see that what I'm teaching him or her is sinking in... I feel like I've touched a life.

26. The first time my mother hugged me. Not as a baby.

And if I did have a Patronus Charm, it'd be in a form of a horse. Beautiful, strong, healthy horse. Definitely.

Live life. Love life. Cheers.




My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.

Oompa Loompa

My photo
I am lousy in explaining myself in words as I believe articulating something as complicated as personality stringed together in sentences does no justice to the profoundness in me. I may not know much but I know this much is true. I have morbid fascination over people's stories regardless where they came from or what background they grew up in. I indulge in their stories not because I'm nosy but because I find them enriching mine. I wish to be awed by the possibilities and differences I find in people from all over the world and I never hesitate to befriend them if the attraction is likewise. I am a creature of language, emotions, rationality experiences, comprehension, and love. I use words and ideas to change the world, I cling to my emotions and rationality to yield decisions, I base my decisions on experiences, I define skewed things I find through a weak attempt of comprehension and I love almost everyone.