Harry and Sally

Today, I stumbled upon an interesting question: Can two people who have the potential for being attracted to one another remain “just friends”? Is it possible for individuals to keep a friendship alive without letting emotions or hormones get in the way?

I thought about this for a long while. I have certainly seen enough evidence in my own life to prove that it isn’t possible. But my life isn’t everyone else’s. I have also witnessed how inexplicably the magic of first attraction works. Still, as far as my personal experience goes, when two such friends are put in a situation when they have only themselves to answer to, it seems to me sex drive almost always has the last word. Maybe it’s human nature to be curious. Maybe the emotions between two friends who feel a mutual attraction to each other are just too strong to ignore. Maybe when the connection really feels right, the desire and constant curiosity to find out what makes each other happy and tick are just too great to put aside. Maybe it really is impossible to have a simple friendship with someone who shares desirability—on whatever level—with you. Maybe the fact that you want to stay in each other's lives makes it impossible for romance not to grow.

So what do you think? Can two people who find each other attractive on an emotional or physical level maintain a simple friendship, or are they just fooling themselves?

I'd say they are.

(Credits to Mike.)




My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.

Oompa Loompa

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I am lousy in explaining myself in words as I believe articulating something as complicated as personality stringed together in sentences does no justice to the profoundness in me. I may not know much but I know this much is true. I have morbid fascination over people's stories regardless where they came from or what background they grew up in. I indulge in their stories not because I'm nosy but because I find them enriching mine. I wish to be awed by the possibilities and differences I find in people from all over the world and I never hesitate to befriend them if the attraction is likewise. I am a creature of language, emotions, rationality experiences, comprehension, and love. I use words and ideas to change the world, I cling to my emotions and rationality to yield decisions, I base my decisions on experiences, I define skewed things I find through a weak attempt of comprehension and I love almost everyone.