25 Things about Moi

001. I love a lot of things. Particularly art. I love writing, singing, and drawing. I appreciate art so much, even though this doesn't mean I'm any of an artistic being. I don't draw well, they are horribly a suffering for the eyes, actually. Every now and then, I make weak attempts of writing, and find personal satisfactory over the common works. I sing in choirs, which explains how I don't have the courage nor the talent to sing for anyone in any kind of occasion except in a church where no one would ever talk badly about your singing.

002. I find solitude the most in reading. When I read, I feel there's this whole other world for me to discover, and book reviews are something so sexy to me. I can spend 8 to 10 hours in a bookstore, something I rarely can do when living in a city and having so little time for myself. I abandoned the habit lately due to college schedule but I knew I was just making up excuses. Now I'm ready to nourish and relive my old days of reading.

003. I don't play any musical instruments. No matter how I envy those who can blow beautiful tunes out of a piece of hollow metal, I can't. And I'd love to learn, but again the old excuse. Haven't got time to learn it right now.

004. I PROCRASTINATE. The biggest fact about me is that I'm a natural procrastinator. With number 002 and 003 being stated above, everyone can see I make up excuses of not doing things. Not because I don't want to do them, I just love postponing until there's no time left for me to postpone it any further.

005. I plan long-term plans. I don't do well with short-term plans, they seem less exciting for me. With long-term plans, I can think of greater and bigger things.

006. I get bored easily. This is not too damaging since I don't make short-term plans a lot. So when I am bored with my idea, I can still make necessary changes to the plan. I know how bad my habit is, but I just enjoy it quite too much. Guilty pleasure, people would say.

007. I believe that women can be just as tough as men. I never consider myself as a feminist, but I am definitely one of those people who think that there's nothing a man can do and a woman can't, while we all know a man will always be inferior to us girls. They don't have babies popping out of their penises.

008. I love Italian food. I have this secret (now, not so much of a secret anymore) dream of going to Italian village to learn cooking all the fabulous foods. The big pans, the herbs, the ingredients, the kitchen, they all fascinate me. I just want to learn how to cook Italian food so much.

009. I hate people who pretend they know about everything while they actually aren't. Yes, they include people who think they know me just because they've been friends with me for some times, while actually, they don't at all. 

010. I know that a lot of people think I'm an open book, and I let them to think so. But I never consider myself as one. I see myself as a complicated soul who sometimes is very different with others and some other times, is no different to other at all. I don't think I'm an open book cos I choose what to show to others and what not. I choose to share with only some people.

011. I think when people look at me, they see what they want to see. Most often, they developed my personality before they got to know me. Which is weird. But I believe that there are some people around me who can actually get me and see me.

012. I never dream to be fashionable but I like wearing clothes that look good on me. I choose stuffs that represent me. I have a boyish, feminine, messy, and even a naughty side within me, and I choose stuffs that represents each of those sides.

013. I see people. Not every person, but I can see through them and sometimes see their intentions or motives behind their actions and decisions. I don't like some what I've seen in people, but I've learnt so much from what I've seen. I see people and I think that's a talent.

014. I am currently learning how to multitask very well, something I always remember Vivian by. =) I just think it's very cool if you can do that. It makes you look smart. And, it's convenient.

015. I am a very social person. I enjoy engaging with people and learn about them. I enjoy seeing them and get to know their stories. I find it enriching mine. Maybe because I'm that extroverted, I find solitude in most quiet way possible. One of them is by reading, and some others are like sitting alone at home or zoning out in a crowd.

016. I am a humanitarian. I find myself experiencing various intense emotions over several issues of humanity like abusive behavior or children mistreatment. 

017. I love Oprah. I know a lot of people think she is a common issue, but I don't care. Everyone loves Oprah and it is no surprise if another girl worships her, but I really do. As common as it sounds, I think she can do something I'd love to be able to do while I am still breathing. At some points, I sometimes even think I'd want to be my own version of Oprah. I'd be her in my own way.

018. I don't fear what a lot of people fear. For example: death. What I fear is that if I don't accomplish anything before I die and my death would be in vain. Another one is uncertainty. I love my own comfort bubbles but I am one of those people who are daring enough to step out of them and seek for new adventures. Partly maybe it's because I believe I won't die just because I'm not comfortable.

019. I love languages. I worship them. I think it's a very magical and astonishing thing to be able to convey same intentions but with different words and accents. It's amazing how people can be saying the exact same thing but understands no other language than their own. I would really love to be able to speak at least five languages in 10 years time. 

020. I don't mind same sex relationships and I believe in interracial relationships. I think any kind of relationship is unique in its own way and they all bear the same basic thing, care and affection. They may not be love, but they must be cousins. I think affection is the common language, the language that all relationships speak in, and therefore, I'm trying to respect whether it's same sex or different sex, whether it's intimate or not, whether it's kinship or friendship, I'm just trying to see what they all have in common.

021. I am 75% optimistic and 25% pessimistic. By nature, I am a pessimistic person who is often tempted to trust fear instead of hope, but I take charge of myself and most of the times, I command myself to look at the bright side and have a little faith.

022. I know which people I cherish, which people I don't like and which people I hate. I have difficulties in conveying my feelings towards them as along the way, I always try to read them more thoroughly. You know, just in case I missed anything and misjudged them because of it. I sometimes feel quite introvert because of this particular side of me. I find it irritating not being able (by choice) to really show what I feel as instantly as I would like myself to be.

023. I love Indonesia so much but I do have some personal dilemma. I want to do something for her because I think she's got a lot of potential and she deserves her citizens to fight for her. Sometimes I feel I won't be able to do anything, there are too many damages, and I want to just take off and live in other country for the rest of my life. A natural temptation for every Indonesian who has learnt about other countries and compared them to Indonesia.

024. I prefer strawberry rather than vanilla and I choose vanilla over chocolate. But, I love chocolate so much.

025. I think every person can just survive on his or her own. Nonetheless, I respect my friends and I do think at some points, I need them to survive. I think without them, the worst thing can happen. And it's not about being lonely or not having people to laugh with but you can lose your personality and no one would be there to remind you when you've forgotten. That's what I fear the most in losing friends.




My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.

Oompa Loompa

My photo
I am lousy in explaining myself in words as I believe articulating something as complicated as personality stringed together in sentences does no justice to the profoundness in me. I may not know much but I know this much is true. I have morbid fascination over people's stories regardless where they came from or what background they grew up in. I indulge in their stories not because I'm nosy but because I find them enriching mine. I wish to be awed by the possibilities and differences I find in people from all over the world and I never hesitate to befriend them if the attraction is likewise. I am a creature of language, emotions, rationality experiences, comprehension, and love. I use words and ideas to change the world, I cling to my emotions and rationality to yield decisions, I base my decisions on experiences, I define skewed things I find through a weak attempt of comprehension and I love almost everyone.