The concept is simple: Think of 101 goals that you can accomplish in 1,001 days. They can be big or small. When you do accomplish one, cross it out and share your progress with everyone.
My Goals:
001. Horseback ride along a beach.
002. Sing and play on the piano.
003. Write a song.
004. Taste at least 20 wine types.
005. Eat something exotic.
006. Spend an entire day cooking a fancy meal.007. Send poor kids to school. [DONE]
008. Get my own apartment.
009. Spend an afternoon in a buffet, until I am kicked out.
010. Get a pen pal.
011. Laugh until my cheek feels bloated, my ribs hurt and my tears run dry.
012. Paint my bedroom wall.
013. Spend days at Disneyland until there's nothing left to see.
014. Backpack across a new unknown land.
015. Begin writing a book.
016. Read "To Kill A Mockingbird".
017. Make a commemorative scrapbook for someone.
018. Go bungee jumping in someone's arms.
019. Spend one night doing nothing but watching childhood films.
020. Turn a stranger into a friend in the course of a day.
021. Visit United States.
022. Purchase a bean bag.
023. Stand before the real Mona Lisa painting at Louvre Museum, Paris.
024. Flirt with a fine Greek lad.
025. Spend a weekend on the beach in a tent.
026. Learn French fluently.
027. Kiss in the rain.
028. Get a tattoo.
029. Sleep under the stars.
030. Make a wish on a falling star.
031. Write a poem for someone.
032. Let myself cry freely in public.
033. Visit England's countryside.
034. Play a song on piano fluently.
035. Lift a stranger's heart.
036. Smile at every person I see.
037. Write old-fashioned love letters to someone.
038. Listen to at least, 5 new songs each month.
039. See what's inside a Playboy magazine.
040. Attend a costume party.
041. Take a homeless person out to lunch.
042. Find an editor that likes me enough to work with me.
043. Learn how to make lasagna.
044. Write a story worth filming into a movie.
045. Start building my dream organization.
046. Spend an entire day barefoot.
047. Watch sunset from a helicopter.
048. Turn off my phone for a full 24 hours.
049. Dance with someone in the rain.
050. Learn and do water photography.
051. Get my blog published.
052. Go to Wicklow National Park in Ireland.
053. Create a mixtape.
054. Have a happy and meaningful birthday.
055. Attend a funeral for someone I have never met before.
056. Meet more new friends from Internet, real good people, not freaks.
057. Teach a child how to read.
058. Practice Pay It Forward.
059. Walk down the road holding hands in a cold winter night.
060. Wear different unmatched shoes.
061. Have a hot bath completed with scented candles.
062. Set aside a day to ride the busses until nightfall and see where I end up.
063. Buy a new laptop, or should I just say, Macbook.
064. Gaze at a starry sky with someone.
065. Make someone realize that they are worth loving.
066. Jump on a trampoline until super happy and exhausted.
067. Visit South Korea.
068. Work a part-time job.
069. Make a scrapbook of my own dreams.
070. Ride an elevator up and down, converse with the different people who get on.
071. Hand out Valentines to strangers on a day that isn’t Valentine’s Day.
072. Have a meaningful conversation on a swing set.
073. Spend a Valentine's Day with a loved one.
074. Stop and listen to singers who sing at subways.
075. Go an entire week without eating rice.
076. Wake up beside a special someone.
077. Spend an entire day volunteering at a homeless shelter.
078. Learn Braille.
079. Take one walk at the park; just me and my thoughts.
080. Pay someone's toll ticket.
081. Wish happy holiday to a stranger.
082. Attend an art festival.
083. Surprise a stranger with a simple thoughtful deed.
084. Go through my contact list and delete all the people who I no longer talk to.
085. Sing a song to someone I love.
086. Carve my name into a tree.
087. Get a good paying job.088. Drink more tea than coffee. [DONE]
089. Tell my friends and family that I love them every day.
090. Settle financially.
091. Make a cool drink.
092. Win a game of Otello against Paulus.
093. Jump into a pile of leaves.
094. Play paint ball.
095. Kiss the most handsome guy in the planet.
096. Watch all my movie collection.
097. Color every picture in a coloring book.
098. Write a letter to no one, put it into a bottle and release it to the sea.099. Touch a student's life. [DONE]
100. Sleep on a water bed.
101. Fall in love.
Start date: August 26, 2009.
End date: June 20, 2012.
101 Goals in 1,001 Days.
Life and what it is about.
Sometimes it feels like I’m waiting for something. Actually, it almost always feels like I’m waiting for something. Waiting for dinner to cook. Waiting for that special person to call. Heck, waiting just to find that special person. Waiting for the weekend. Waiting for an answer. Waiting for the “too good to be true” to show its real colors. Always waiting. But life is like that, I suppose. If we spend our time trying to reach a particular destination, we miss out on everything in between. If we are waiting to find our soulmate, we are missing out on all the lovely people who fill in the gaps. If we are waiting until we are completely content, we are missing out on the little moments that make life beautiful. And if we are waiting for the day when we wake up and everything makes sense, we are simply wasting our time.
Life is made up of all those wonderful, awkward, unforgettable “in-between” moments. Life is that drunk night you can’t remember or the starry sky that you never wanted to look away from. Life is when you hold your mother's wrinkled hand in yours and feel bursting gratitude in your heart. Life is that perfect moment when you lock eyes with a stranger and then continue on your way. Life is the person who calls you just to make sure that you’re okay or the laughter that fills a room of friends. Life is stopping to smell the flowers and smiling at people you don’t know. Life is when you decide to lift someone's spirit and spend time to care for them. Life is reading a good piece of literature and appreciate its beauty. Life is the minutes you spend with a person who you care deeply about.
Life doesn’t have a destination. Stop waiting for it, and start living.
Conformity versus Individuality.
We live in a world where it is wrong to be an individual.
No one lives alone, so people say. No one can live alone. I agree. However, this has nothing to do with the statement above. This does not justify the social view's on people who choose to live as a complete individual. Most of the times, when people choose to live individually, it is viewed as strange. Or worse, sick. You see, "individual" is not alone. Being individual means that you're being independent. That you choose to live your life the way you want it, not regulated by numerous social rules and regulations.
When we were little children, we were always asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" And when we didn't come up with any answer, our parents would tell us, "You have to know what you want to be. You can be anything you want to be, don't be afraid. Feel free to choose any dream you want." They also would ask us, "If someone jumps off the cliff, would you do it, too?" These questions triggered the idealist in us. These questions gave us a little taste of freewill and determination to take our fate in our own hands. These questions were supposed to plant in us the sense of individuality, that you don't need anybody to make life decisions for you. Then we grew up. And in the process, at some points in life, parents started to convey their hopes and dreams. They would tell us, "When I was your age, I was more daring than you are." Or they would simply say, "When you become a mother, I hope you will do what I do and understand how it feels to be a mother." Now, these parents are telling their kids how they wish their kids could be more like them. They are telling the kids that if they become like their parents, they will be more responsible adults and have good moral values. Are you confused? I am.
Little have you understood those conflicting emotions yet, you then entered school. You then found out that the only way to survive at school was by following certain 'trends' or 'rules'. You need, at some point, define who you are based on how much you want to be accepted. If you want to be popular, you gotta be one of those popular kids. If you want to be perceived as smart, you need to be a geek. Sometimes, things could get too extreme and you look like you're trying too hard. You have to behave like everyone else or you will get erased by the social circle and be labeled as the 'anti-social' or the 'public-embarrassment'. Society puts borderlines between people. They draw circles and count everyone in or out all the time. You want to be in, you don't want to be separated from other people or counted out. Now, who cares about individuality? This is called surviving.
It doesn't stop there. Your parents would advise you to befriend the 'good friends' and avoid the 'bad friends'. Your friends would tell you to do things they do otherwise, you would no longer be their friends. And while everything is happening so messily, there would always be certain groups of people, like teachers or other adults, who would treat you a certain way because of who your friends are. And they say, school isn't difficult.
And then it's time to decide what kind of things that will define you. What kind of clothing to wear or what kind of things to say. On the TV, you would see hundreds or thousands of advertisements that are constantly telling you what 'nice' dress to wear or 'nice' style to have. They have models, slogans, lifestyles and they have TV, radio, newspapers, and billboards as their medium of disposal. They battle to win your money by telling you how you should live your life. And these are all so confusing. By the time you make your decision, the trend is already over and you are faced with the same endless cycle. And this happens to everyone at all points in their life process.
What time do you have to go to bed, what kind of car should you be driving, what kind of boy should you hook up with, what kind of daughter is considered as a good one, what kind of drink do you order at bars, what college are you going to after graduating high school, what kind of major are you going to take, what kind of companies do you choose to be a part of, which dress are you going to wear to the party tonight, which correct shoes are you going to wear at your wedding day, when will your honeymoon destination be? The list is never ending. You will always be perceived as right or wrong, a good person or not, based on these things you do or choose to have. See, I'm not saying these aren't important things. I'm saying, what people think of what you choose is never important compared to your decisions and your decisions alone.
The concept of conformity has reached its own new era of definition. It has regulated our lives so perfectly and so anonymously that you are no longer clear on what to do or what to have. Companies advertise and ask us to define our own selves and choose our own styles, but they are urging us to a new concept of conformity: trend follower. You arrive at a point where you are no longer aware if your personality is in fact your own, or the society has formed and created for you.
If you buy a Louis Vuitton bag because you want a bag, it contains a big difference than if you buy the bag because of the prestige you're about to have. If you buy a pair of trainers triggered by the your need of a running shoes rather than its billboard slogan, a prevailing big difference do exist. Now can we arise from these never-ending cycle of destruction? Some would say no. Some would believe that if we do succeed in pulling ourselves out of this black hole of social capitalism, we would only be dragged back into the cycle with or without we knowing. But I say, we can. The questions of which things to have or do or say will always be existent in every second of our lives, but it doesn't mean we can't control them. We can control them, and choose what is the best for us or what we do really want, rather than putting society's opinion as the foundation of our decisions. It matters when you choose to do something because it will make you happy, not because it will be perceived as righteous by the society.
However, like old men would argue, norms are there for a reason. This, I agree with, too. You can have anything you want, do anything you want to, say anything you feel like, date any boy you like, wear any dress you think as pretty, as long as it doesn't trample on other people's happiness. It all goes back to the blending of individuality and tolerance concept. You can be yourself and claim any kind of life you want, as long as you don't hurt people in process of doing so. Happiness that come from sacrificing other people's happiness do not mean much, after all. It's as bad as having people live your life for you. So, the idea of individuality is something we have yet to define for ourselves. To which extent can we satisfy our own needs to be free and idealist individuals without crossing the borderline of telling people how to live their lives or making their lives, even if it's only slightly, unhappier? If you can answer that particular question and derive a positive phrasing when answering, you've beaten those odds and you have broken through the hellish endless cycle of conformity.
A kind much closer than friends use.
Hello, tell me you know
Yeah, you figured me out
Something gave it away
And it would be such a beautiful moment
To see the look on your face
To know that I know that you know now
And baby that's a case of my wishful thinking
You know nothing
Cause you and I
Why, we go carrying on for hours, on and
We get along much better
Than you and your girlfriend
Well all I really wanna do is to love you
A kind much closer than friends use
But I still can't say it after all we've been through
And all I really want from you is to feel me
As the feeling inside keeps building
And I will find a way to you if it kills me
If it kills me
Well how long, can I go on like this,
Wishing to kiss you,
Before I rightly explode?
This double life I lead isn't healthy for me
In fact it makes me nervous
If I get caught I could be risking it all
Baby there's a lot that I miss
In case I'm wrong
Well all I really wanna do is to love you
A kind much closer than friends use
But I still can't say it after all we've been through
And all I really want from you is to feel me
As the feeling inside keeps building
And I will find a way to you if it kills me
If it kills me
If I should be so bold
I'd ask you to hold my heart in your hand
Tell you from the start how I've longed to be your woman
But I never said I would
I guess I'm gonna miss my chance again
All I really wanna do is to love you
A kind much closer than friends use
But I still can't say it after all we've been through
And all I really want from you is to feel me
As the feeling inside keeps building
And I will find a way to you if it kills me
If it kills me
If it kills me
I think it might kill me
And all I really want from you is to feel me
It's a feeling inside that keeps building
And I will find a way to you if it kills me
If it kills me
If it kills me
It might kill me
{If It Kills Me} -- Jason Mraz, with a slight edit to better read.
from The Casa Nova Sessions
Whose independence are we celebrating today, again?
Today, Indonesia is celebrating its Independence Day. Today is a day of celebration.
Last night, I had a slight fever. I had planned to spend August 17th at the gym. Working out makes me feel good and enhances my sense of well-being. But the fever apparently had ruined my plans. So I woke up at 9 in the morning and sat down with an absent-minded grin on my face. Today is supposed to be a big day. But why am I feeling so hollow inside?
I ate my breakfast and turned on the TV. Lots of funny, or trying to be, quizzes on various channels. The usual stuffs. Lots of patriotic advertisements by big companies. There were also governmental advertisements. One of which is about how all Indonesians can now access to a free 9-year education. I felt good watching that. I smiled. Then I switched the channel.
A little boy was collecting raw fish from the street. He was a boy living near the shore. Everyday after school, he and his friends would collect raw fish spilt unknowingly by fishermen. They then sold the fish to the nearest cheap market in which they sell low-quality (what I mean by low-quality are actually inappropriate to consume) food to poor people. The boy, Arif, does this everyday to help his mother pay for his supposed-to-be-free education. Sixty-four years of independence but still, education is only a minor privilege and a major luxury.
An old woman, around 50 years old, named Nur sells cockle shells everyday to earn 1,500 rupiahs for every kilos. She can sell 10 kilos per day and that would give her 15,000 rupiahs per day. Sixty-four years of independence but still, some old people have spent most of their years in total poverty.
A little village near Bogor, a province with the second largest government regional financial support in whole Java, still lacks from electricity. Regardless in such a modern age Indonesia lives today, some parts of it are still pitch black. At noon, their lives are just as ordinary as any other Indonesians'. But at night, the story changes. They have to use traditional oil lamps and lots of candles to prevent them from tripping over the edge of the cliffs or simply to see each other's smiles. The kids insist to study under dim candle lights, knowing that nothing can ever compensate the importance of education. Sixty-four years of independence but still, Indonesia is darkness.
A school at one of the largest province in Indonesia had such delicate foundation that the building nearly collapsed when strong wind and heavy rain hit it. Now the kids struggle to continue their classes outside the building, amidst the hot sunshine and polluted air. They lined up neatly on any surface they found, their teachers squatted down to check their works and tried to explain the subjects the best they could. We say that we are a nation who offers utmost protection to young generation. Sixty-four years of independence and still, we can't provide a rooftop over the children's heads.
A baby died few weeks ago. Not from terminal disease that requires millions of rupiahs worth of surgery. Not from lack of nutritional food. But from getting hot boiling soup splashed on her. She was sleeping peacefully inside his stroller, or cart, when her parents' business were taken down by police. Their parents sell soup with meatballs along the roadside at a cheap local market. The police tore the business down, burned the cart and spilled the soup on the baby in process. She died immediately afterwards. Sixty-four years of independence and still, we use the without-solution excuses such as traffic disciplining to tear down the only business a poor family possesses.
A massage centre in Java has been operating for years. It's not very successful but it's still running. The only reason why it still is, is because it's owned by a blind man called Drajat. People trust blind people to massage their bodies and people pity blind folks. As a differently-abled citizen, what Drajat needs isn't pity. What he needs isn't support. What he needs is his right as a citizen. Whenever he's sick or in need of dealing with an administrative plea, he gets rejected. Apparently in Indonesia, bureaucracy discriminates. Blind people are second-class citizens and are not worthy of any service. Sixty-four years of independence and still, our democracy and equality resonance in hollow echoes.
Hundreds of Indonesia children live their lives on the street. They spend their days trying to survive from what people throw on the street. They play with danger and they kid with death. They are not only poor but they are also running low on faith. Instead of being somewhere safe and getting proper education, they fight with police officers who try to sweep away their existence. Most of them are only aged between 4 to 9. Sixty-four years of independence and still, we fail our constituency that regulates government's role as the protector and benefactor of homeless people and street children.
For those who think I'm blaming the government, you are mistaken.
You are not seeing the big picture here. Let me explain.
If there is one thing certain in this world, my friends, it is that crisis will strike from time to time. I don’t know why the world is designed in such a way. What saddened me isn't how all these pitiful events are still occurring but how less (not how many) people actually pay any slightest attention to them and do something about them. To me, it is even more interesting to see that how it is in this kind of situation human nature is truly revealed. It always amazes me how people always choose the easy way out when faced with difficult situations. A new disease breaks out, and no, it doesn’t really matter how we should support each other to overcome the crisis. That can wait. Let’s FIRST find out who started this. Let’s blame somebody. Blaming the government is the easiest escape. We are too used to taking the easy way out in life that it has been part of our nature. What disturbs me is to see how depressingly materialistic and apathetic human has become these days. Here on the brighter side of the earth, some men with full bellies enslave themselves for more money, ready to sacrifice even their humanity. And no, still no empathy for the less fortunate. I can’t see, my friends, what you are celebrating today for.
I know now why I am feeling so hollow inside. You see, today is not Indonesia's Independence Day. Today is not a day for celebration. Today is a day to reflect on how poorly we are still doing until today. Today is a day to reminisce what fights we have gone through and what fights we have to go through. Today is a day to preserve the good fights and struggle harder for freedom and equality. Today is a day to realize that Indonesia isn't freed completely yet. Today is a day to realize that Independence Day is something we have not had within our grasp.
Very much true, Indonesia is no longer under any international colonization. No country is trying to take over us. Thanks to the crusaders who presented us this constitutional freedom. Thanks to them for this freedom to draw our own laws and regulations. However, we are doing no justice to those who fought their lives for this country's freedom. Constitutional freedom and humanity freedom does not come in one package. Moral degradation and human inequality peeks gleefully from every corners of our country. Sixty-four years of so-called independence and still, we are never truly independent.
Anyone Else... But You.
You're a part time lover and a full time friend
The monkey on your back is the latest trend
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you.
I kiss you on the brain in the shadow of a train
I kiss you all starry eyed, my body's swinging from side to side
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you.
Here is the church and here is the steeple
We sure are cute for two ugly people
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you.
The pebbles forgive me, the trees forgive me
So why can't, you forgive me?
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you.
I will find my nitch in your car
With my mp3 DVD rumple-packed guitar
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you.
Du du du du du du du du
Du du du du du du du du
Du du du du du du du du
Up up down down left right left right B A start
Just because we use cheats doesn't mean we're not smart
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you.
You are always trying to keep it real
I'm in love with how you feel
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you.
We both have shiny happy fits of rage
You want more fans, I want more stage
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you.
Don Quixote was a steel driving man
My name is Adam, I'm your biggest fan
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you.
Squinched up your face and did a dance
You shook a little turd out of the bottom of your pants
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you.
Du du du du du du du du
Du du du du du du du du
Du du du du du du du du
But you.
Accepting Compliments.
Like many women, I have trouble accepting compliments. Part of my resistance is linked to matters of modesty: I want the world to see that I love myself, but don’t want the world to believe that I LOOOOOOOOOVE myself. I have a tough time figuring out when I appear healthily proud of my innate hotness, and when I’m coming off as a self-absorbed weenie. It’s a fine line, ya know?
And then, of course, there’s the disbelief factor. Seriously? You think I have great smile? You love this dress on me? You’re probably just making conversation. Or being polite. Or maybe you just got back from an eye appointment and your pupils are the size of hubcaps and EVERYTHING looks sparkly to you. I want to believe people when they say nice things about me--my style, my looks, my talents--but doubt often eclipses acceptance.
I work at it, though. I actively practice both accepting compliments and giving them. When my internal naysayer yammers, I drown her out with reminders that compliments are verbal gifts. Doubting them is both rude and ridiculous. After all, why would a person go out of her way to remark aloud on something if she didn’t truly find it pleasing?
Deflecting compliments from friends and strangers carries the risk of slight insult. Doubting the people who likes me hurts them. Especially if it's someone that likes you. You know. And, my dears, that simply won’t do.
Now some of you are in relationships; some aren't. But I’m telling you right now: Regardless of relationship status, when a man says that you have sexy hips or fabulous personality or beautiful smile, you’ve got to believe him.
Here are three important reasons to accept the compliments.
1. Taste is a very real phenomenon. Just as people have preferences for certain types of food and clothing and music, people have preferences for certain types of personalities. Just because YOU don’t love certain part of yourself, doesn’t mean your man can’t go crazy for them. Give him some credit for knowing what he likes most.
2. Compliments are gifts. You may struggle to love your own body every day--as so many women do, myself included. What better reason to soak up those adoring words? Think of any compliments that your loved one gives you as glimpses of yourself from his perspective. And revel in them.
3. You've gotta trust the man. As you’ve no doubt heard ad nauseum, trust is a pillar of all successful relationships. Refusing a compliment from your man reveals a lack of trust. You don’t trust him to be honest with you, you don’t trust him to judge what is beautiful, you don’t trust him to say something genuinely nice about you without harboring an ulterior motive. He might feel these and any number of other doubts when you brush him off.
I know it’s hard, but work at it. I do. When he compliments you, thank him for being so sweet. When he sings his praises, let that desire and adoration radiate through you. When you’re shining and he exclaims out loud, "You are beautiful.", don’t you dare say, “Oh, stop it.”
Instead, say, “Gracias, baby!"
What I Love About My Friend.